Creative energy makes us feel like we are contributing something beautiful to the world and accomplishing something worthwhile for ourselves. Yet, our creative capacity and free thinking cannot be developed if it is not supported by other creative minds. And what’s equally important in the artistic process is a constant interaction with a variety of artists, and a continuing knowledge of what is happening around us so that our own art can be better informed and dynamic.
We (Carolyn Park and Joelle Te Paske) came to this realization one evening while we were discussing our own artistic endeavors, realizing that we could both benefit from more collaborations and interactions with other musicians, writers, painters, photographers, dancers, poets, etc. Inspired by the artistic collectives of previous generations and our own personal desires for a nurturing and fecund artistic environment, we decided to create an artistic collective to make this happen.
The collective, in our minds, is just this floating mass of energy – noise, lines, sounds, color, words, letters, and movement. It is a free space, in all respects. In order to make it as welcoming and democratic as possible, we have decided that a free-form blog would be the best forum for our artistic interactions.
This is it!
Please feel free to post your own original artwork and ideas onto the site. There are no regulations for it, except that nothing can be taken down from the blog and haters can’t be hatin’ on shit. The blog will be supplemented by a monthly gathering in a tentative space, where all the members and contributors of the blog can meet in person to collaborate on projects and jam and do fun things.